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Page 14

  “You keep your hands off me,” she said as she opened her car door.

  She peeled out of the driveway, taking off with complete disregard to other drivers. Aidan let out an exasperated sigh as horns blasted and tires screeched, unaware that Haley was standing behind him and had witnessed a good portion of their battle.

  “Lord, what a temper!” Haley exclaimed. “Thank heaven I’m not a young man in this day and age. Today's women are like wild panthers.”

  Both men stood still for a moment, watching the dust settle where Jamie had drove off.

  “You’ve got your hands full with that one, that’s the truth,” Haley continued, patting Aidan’s shoulder sympathetically. “You may want to try a different approach though,” Haley advised.

  He turned to Haley. “What are you talking about Haley?” he asked.

  Haley puffed up with importance. “Well, you know what they say. If the fish aren’t biting then change the bait.”

  Aidan smiled. “I’ve never heard that saying,” he said, though in truth he never fished.

  “Tell me, who has the record for most fishing tournaments ever won in Seabrook?” Haley asked proudly.

  Aidan was thoroughly amused. “Haley, you’re one of the oldest bachelors I know. What do you know about women?” He laughed.

  Haley wasn’t offended in the least bit. “I wasn’t fishing for women, Aidan. But if was, I’d hook the best one I knew with the sweetest bait I could find.”

  “Perhaps you’re right. Maybe I should try a new tactic.”

  Haley leaned close to Aidan. “Take it from me, you don’t want to be an old bachelor like myself,” he said, and turned to go. “Best be getting back to the bank.”

  Aidan stood still for a moment, watching old Haley walk to his truck. No, he didn’t want to end up a bachelor like old Haley. No sir. He looked back at the Villa and called out to Haley, “How’s the house? Any serious damage?”

  “Naw. There’s nothing you couldn’t fix you ole wizard.”

  Aidan chuckled and waved to Haley. “I’m going to take a look myself.”

  He walked up to the gracefully aged Villa. It was a beautiful old house. It would have made a wonderful home in the hands of a skilled restorer if it weren’t for the murder that had taken place within its walls. Everything Malcolm touched, he destroyed. He had almost destroyed Aidan’s life. If it had not been for Ross, Aidan might have drowned himself completely in despair.

  He was ready to do battle. For the memory of his son’s mother. And for Jamie Connolly, who had turned his life upside down and made him feel alive again. Conrad Malcolm was not going to destroy any more lives.

  Aidan would make sure of it.


  “I postponed a very important interview with Jeremy Denton, the owner of Ocean Land to see you, so this better be important,” Kerrie threatened as she strode into Jamie’s living room. She took a surprised look around the room.

  “Gee, what a mess!” she said, staring at the flaking plaster falling from the ceiling. “I’m not sure if it’s safe for you to live here. My place is tiny but you know you are welcome to crash on my couch anytime. My landlord doesn’t allow pets though, sorry Thorn,” she said giving Thorn a quick pat.

  “None of the motels around here do, I’ve already checked. But, I’m actually quite comfortable here,” Jamie said, brushing a piece of plaster from Thorn’s furry head. “The place was damaged a little in the storm, that’s all. Nothing that can’t be fixed.” She sounded positively more cheerful than she actually felt.

  “And I know just the man for the job,” Kerrie mused as she sat cross-legged on the floor. Jamie sat across from her.

  “That’s what I want speak to you about. I need all the info you can give me on Aidan and his past.”

  “His past? Like what? His ex-wife, his childhood?”

  “Everything. Find out what connection he has to Conrad Malcolm.”

  “Conrad Malcolm! I would think you would know-“

  “I don’t. They have some sort of history, and I get the feeling it’s something terrible. You’re a reporter. I need your expertise. I need you to find out what happened between them. Can you? Who knows, it could be your big break.”

  “Jamie, you’re my best friend, of course I’ll help. Though, if there’s dirt on Conrad Malcolm I’m sure it’s been covered up. Those wealthy, society types can get away with murder. I don’t have to tell you that.”

  “True but that’s what separates the great reporters from the average ones. You said you were serious about being a journalist. Here is your chance!”

  Kerrie held her hand dramatically to her chest. “Thanks for an unbeatable opportunity!”

  “Start looking for information on Aidan and his family. That will probably be easier to find. I am sure his past has something to do with Conrad.”

  “You mean all the tragedy? Jamie, that’s serious if Conrad had anything to do with it. I don’t remember any details. I was away at school when Aidan’s wife left.”

  “We can start by you telling me everything you know about the present Aidan Brice. His brother, his ex wife… and his son, who you never told me existed I might add,” Jamie said brusquely.

  “I thought you knew! I guess I forgot to tell you about that,” Kerrie admitted.

  Jamie stood up, shaking her head. “I think your head is in the clouds too much these days. Might have something to do with a handsome Coastguard named Travis, eh?”

  Kerrie offered her hand to Jamie who helped pull her up off the floor. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Travis and I are just friends.”

  “Right. And Aidan and I are just long, lost cousins.”

  Kerrie looked at Jamie with a smile. “Let’s deal with Aidan first, since he seems to be so problematic.”

  “Let me know everything you find out.”

  Kerrie's keen instincts kicked in and she eyed Jamie suspiciously. “What is going on here?”

  “There is a secret I need to ferret out. Someone is hiding something from me, and I intend to find out the truth. Even if it kills me.”

  “Why?” Kerrie gasped.

  “Because someone is trying to steal my mother’s house out from under me. I don’t know why Aidan wants it so bad, but I’m pretty sure Conrad wants it to blackmail me.”

  “Blackmail you? Now, I’m really confused!”

  “I rejected Conrad’s proposal but he has informed me in no uncertain terms that I will, in fact marry him. Now, he's won the bid on Villa Milagros. I am assuming he thinks he can blackmail me with it. Yet, I know there is a deeper story. I'm missing something here.”

  “Wow, Seabrook has never been so exciting! I’m on it.” She grabbed her cell phone as it rang. “I’ll have to fill you in later on Aidan, the office is calling me.” Let’s meet at the Watering Hole tonight, say around eight?”

  “I’ll be there,” Jamie said.

  Kerrie turned to her with a grave look on her face. “Be careful, Jamie. Conrad Malcolm is not someone to trifle with… I’ve heard stuff about his family that isn't very flattering.”

  “I’ll be fine, don’t worry,” Jamie laughed.

  Thorn trotted over and sat next to Jamie’s feet as she watched Kerrie drive away. When she grabbed his leash the puppy jumped excitedly and ran in circles, yelping with joy.

  “Come on Thorn, we’re on our way to City Hall,” she said as she clasped the leash to his collar. “We have some research to do.”


  It had been some time since Aidan had been to the Watering Hole. When he walked into Seabrook’s most popular hangout, he felt a million memories rush over him. It had been a popular place for him in his youth and after he married, he and Lauren had come here occasionally too.

  He wasn’t a man to have too many sentimental attachments and if he did, perhaps coming here was the thing to cure him of it. He looked around for Travis, but he hadn’t arrived yet. Aidan started toward the bar until the glittering shine of long, chocolate h
air caught his eye. He stopped dead in his tracks.

  Jamie made a striking picture as she walked into the pub, dressed simply in black jeans and a clingy turquoise top that brought out the zesty blue of her eyes. Although he imagined she would look sexy dressed in a potato sack. She noticed him, had felt his eyes burning into her flesh perhaps. She walked toward him, poised and unhurried, coolly, seductively under control. A far cry from earlier this afternoon.

  She nodded politely. “Mr Brice.”

  Her voice was husky and smooth, and she offered him her hand as she probably had a thousand times to a thousand other men in her circle of socialite friends.

  “Are we back to formalities again?” he asked.

  If she was ruffled, she didn’t show it in the least bit. She simply smiled, graciously and perhaps a little condescendingly.

  Aidan was no fool. “You look like the cat that swallowed the canary,” he said.

  “Do I? You have quite an imagination. Maybe you should try your hand at writing a novel. You do seem to prefer fiction to the truth.”

  “We all have our secrets. Perhaps you are harboring a few of your own. Often times people come to towns like Seabrook to escape from their pasts, their unhappy choices,” he feigned a frown. “To hide their heads in the sand.”

  “And perhaps some people stay in towns like Seabrook to keep from having to face the possibility of actually experiencing life. Take your pick,” she said.

  She smiled then, a beautiful, perfectly fake smile, and Aidan couldn’t shake the feeling that she was playing with him. She had something on him. What? He didn’t like her playing the cool socialite, the self-assured, businesswoman. He preferred her hot with anger. Better yet, warm and responsive and naked beneath him. He reached up to touch her face, unable to resist her allure. She started to step back but he caught her and enclosed his arms around her waist, and pulled her possessively to him, his lips nearly caressing hers.

  “Let’s stop the games. You talk about truth, well here it is. You want me as much as I want you. The other night was not anywhere near enough for the both of us. Whatever the outcome, let’s not lie about that.”

  She shoved at him mildly, but Aidan knew she wouldn’t make a scene at The Watering Hole. He held her tight, reveling in the soft sweetness of her. He brushed his lips against her cheek and whispered to her. “I want you Jamie and I will have you again. There is no sense denying it. I know you want me too. I hear your breath quicken, I feel your nipples hardening, and your skin is burning up. Say what you want, but your body gives you away.”

  He let her go then, before he lost control right here at The Watering Hole, and caused a scandal that wouldn’t soon be forgotten. He watched her reaction. He could see that her control was effectively shattered. She was too shocked to utter one of her devastatingly witty replies. She simply looked at him. Her former serene expression had crumbled into a combination of anger and disbelief. She looked so endearing, so incredibly sexy standing there in a quiet rage that Aidan felt an overwhelming desire to kiss her.

  So, he did.

  It was a sweet kiss, a soft pressing of both their lips together, deliciously arousing and all too brief. When Aidan drew back and gazed at Jamie’s face, she looked serene again. Serene and angelic. It would prove to be short lived.

  “I do not wish to be added to your list of conquests," she said vehemently, her fury returning with a vengeance. “Take your hands off me,” she gritted through a whisper.

  The feeling was so natural that Aidan hadn’t realized he still had his arms around her. He vaguely remembered Haley’s advice that he had failed to heed. He definitely needed to change his tactics. So much for directness. She began to squirm lightly against his embrace, but her movements against him only intensified his arousal.

  “You’d better quit that, or I’ll be taking you right here on the floor of the Watering Hole,” he warned in a low voice. There was no mistaking the indignant expression that washed over her face. She was about to speak when Aidan caught a glimpse of Travis and Kerrie walking into the pub together. “Save it for later, sweet vixen. Our friends are here,” he said, slowly loosening his embrace.

  There was no mistaking the happy confusion on Travis and Kerrie’s faces as they discovered their best friends together in what appeared to be a loving embrace.

  “Are we interrupting?” Travis asked with a grin.

  “No. I bumped into Mr Brice while I was waiting for Kerrie,” Jamie said as she disentangled herself from Aidan’s arms.

  “Mr Brice?” Travis said, clearly not getting it.

  Aidan felt like crawling under the bar and settling down with a big keg of ice, cold beer. Those phony formalities may mask animosity in pretentious Palm Beach, but in a place like Seabrook you had to say what you meant or people didn’t understand.

  “Hey Aidan, nice to see you,” Kerrie said, kissing Aidan on the cheek.

  He gave her a warm smile. She understood Jamie all too well. After a few minutes of small talk, the four of them parted ways. The girls went off to eat in the dining room while the guys stayed at the bar.

  “What was all that Mr Brice stuff about?” Travis asked.

  “You got me. Jamie Connolly is the most stubborn, confounding woman I have ever met in my life,” Aidan growled, thoroughly disgusted.

  Travis chuckled. “Seems to me you’ve met your match. It’s about time, I was beginning to wonder,” Travis mused.

  “My match? Like hell!” Aidan muttered.

  They ordered a round of beers at the bar, and Aidan took a big swig of the golden liquid. It was ice cold and went down nicely. He needed cooling off.

  “You’ve finally met a woman who isn’t falling over her feet to be with you. In fact, I’m willing to admit that you'll have to work at winning Jamie over. Work big time,” Travis said.

  “Win her over?” Hell, I’m not wasting my time. She should be trying to win me over… impossible woman… who in this world would put up with such a woman?” He took another swig of his beer. “She’ll have to search the world over to find a man who will put up with her,” Aidan said smugly.

  “I hate to tell you buddy but I think she’s found more than one already, right here, right now in the Watering Hole. Take a look.” Travis nodded in the direction of the dining room.

  Jamie and Kerrie stood about fifteen feet from where Aidan and Travis had perched themselves at the bar. They were surrounded by a swarm of young men, most who seemed to have a particular interest in Jamie. Aidan grumbled under his breath, not liking the unfamiliar feeling that flooded him.

  Travis laughed heartily while Aidan fumed silently.

  “Jealous?” Travis asked, his voice rich with amusement.

  “Not on your life, pal” Aidan retorted.

  Aidan watched uncomfortably as Jamie and Kerrie were surrounded by Seabrook’s most eligible single men. “Hey, isn’t that Nathan Murphy talking to Kerrie? Is he back from his safari in Africa already? He’s a regular ladies man they say. Didn’t he always have a thing for Kerrie? They sure look nice together,” Aidan said in a cheerful voice.

  Travis’s gaze shot from Aidan to Kerrie immediately. A sour grimace enveloped his face as he watched the overly brawny Nathan lean close to Kerrie and whisper in her ear. “Point taken” he said glumly. “Let’s call it even.”

  Aidan chuckled, “You got it.”

  Travis called the bartender over for another round while Aidan watched Jamie across the room. He caught her eye and they both stared, locked in each other’s gaze briefly. There was no mocking, no pretension in her expression. For a fleeting moment, he glimpsed a look of tenderness flickering in her eyes and then she looked away. Nudging Kerrie’s arm, she gracefully bowed away from her herd of suitors and walked away.


  “Well, if it doesn’t work out with Aidan you won’t have to go far for a replacement,” Kerrie said facetiously as they sat down.

  They were safely out of sight and earshot of the men as they sat facing e
ach other in a booth in the pub’s dining room. Jamie looked up from her wine glass and tucked her hair back behind her ears.

  “You nervous?” Kerrie asked.

  “Of course not, why should I be?”

  “Because as long as I have known you, you have had a habit of putting your hair behind your ears when you are nervous” Kerrie said, reaching across the table to un-tuck Jamie’s hair. “It’s so unflattering.”

  “I’m not nervous. It’s just that arrogant Aidan Brice unnerves me,” Jamie said, tucking her hair behind her ear again.

  Kerrie laughed. “When are you going to admit it?”

  “Admit what?” Jamie asked.

  “That you are in love.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous. I’d sooner fall in love with a monkey,” Jamie said.

  “If that’s the truth then I can introduce you to plenty of monkeys. You just met some a few minutes ago.”

  Jamie shook with laughter. “Perhaps, I was exaggerating,” she said. “I don’t want to fall in love at all. Why complicate my life? I have enough on my plate with my business and charities.”

  “There has to be more to life than a career,” Kerrie scolded her. They'd had this argument many times before. “If that’s really the truth than why do you want me to find out about Aidan’s past. Why not let sleeping dogs lie? If you're not interested…”

  “You know, I really hate you.”

  Kerrie smiled. “I know.”

  “So are you going to tell me about him, or what?”

  “Here are the gritty details I know. Aidan was married to a real beauty. Lacking in the brain department a bit, I gather. She left him for some rich guy, possibly this Conrad guy, who promised to make her a famous model. She ended up dead a couple of months later. They didn’t publish the whole story in the Seabrook Press out of respect for Aidan and his son, but I do know the coroner’s report indicated her body was chock full of drugs. They almost labeled it a suicide,” Kerrie said grimly.

  “How awful. Aidan must have been devastated,” Jamie said, feeling a bit ashamed to have dug into such a private tragedy.