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Page 6

  “Of course,” he said languidly. “Outside okay?”

  “Yes.” There was no friendliness in her voice.

  They walked out the back door, and Thorn came bounding toward them, tail wagging wildly but undecided who to jump on first. He finally chose Aidan, who indulgently scratched the puppy’s head. Jamie felt a twinge of jealousy as Thorn nuzzled Aidan’s hand. Traitor. Yet, Aidan had fooled her too.

  He crouched to play with Thorn, patiently waiting for Jamie to speak.

  “Did you know I was bidding on Villa Milagros?”

  “Yes,” he said in a voice completely lacking in apology. Thorn nuzzled against him, playfully nipping at his hands.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you were bidding on it too?”

  He looked at her with a puzzled expression. “I figured you knew.”

  “How would I know?”

  “You seem to know everything,” he said wryly.

  “Villa Milagros belongs to me.”

  He straightened and his grey eyes were steely. “I have as much right to buy it as you do.”

  “This isn’t about rights.”

  “Then what is it about? You just bought this house, why do you want Villa Milagros?”

  “You're asking me why I prefer an ocean front Spanish Villa to a cottage?”

  "You still haven’t answered my question. Why do you want Villa Milagros?” he asked.

  It wasn’t any of his business. There was no way she would expose her vulnerability, no way she would tell him what the house meant to her. Those were the rules. Never let them see your weakness. Never let down your guard. Unfortunately, she already had when she gave into his unexpected kiss.

  “Why did you kiss me? Were you trying to manipulate me in some twisted perverted way? Do you really think I would be so malleable to you?” Her composure was slipping away.

  “You've been the one throwing yourself at me since the second we met,” he said wryly.

  “Throwing myself at you! Why you arrogant-“

  “It’s true. Why deny it?” he asked.


  “Seems to me you've had a taste of your own medicine-“

  “Conceited Monkey!”

  For a second he looked startled then his expression relaxed. “That's very creative.”

  He was restraining a smile, the fool. “You are an intolerable man!”

  “You found me tolerable enough not so long ago,” he drawled.

  “I want you out of my house. I’ll find another architect, one who is honest and forthright in his motivations.”

  “My motivations were pure enough.”

  He reached out and drew her against his chest. The scent of fresh cut wood and honest sweat lingered on his skin, subtle pheromones penetrating her defenses. He smelled like a man, rough, masculine, enticing. Hating her weakness to him, she glared at him and tried to push away from the enemy.

  He wouldn't let her go. “I kissed you because I wanted to and you were certainly a willing enough partner at the time.”

  His lips were dangerously close as he stroked her cheek with his free hand. She shoved it away, and gave him a black, scathing look.

  His expression was rueful as he looked down at her, holding her tightly. “It had nothing to do with Villa Milagros,” he said.

  She struggled against his grip, and he let her go with a smug look.

  “Do you really expect me to believe you?” Her voice was shrill.

  “It’s the truth. Believe what you want,” he said. “I’ve got to get back to work now. On your house, I might add.” He turned and stepped toward the house.

  “I want you and your crew out of my house, understand?” she said, addressing his infuriatingly beautiful back.

  He turned to face her. He stood tall and powerful, and astoundingly handsome in the afternoon sunlight.

  “We have a signed contract, remember?”

  Yes, she remembered. He just brought out a raging devil in her. A fury she never knew existed in her. She wasn’t sure whether to embrace it or bury it.

  Now, Aidan was walking away from her and her raging devil without a second glance. He dared to walk away from her. “You'll never win. I’ll make your life impossible.”

  His laughter boomed as he walked back into the house.

  “Trust me, Jamie” he said. “You already have.”

  Chapter Five

  Aidan was lounging on the couch with a very contented look on his face. He had discovered something fascinating about Jamie this afternoon. The mighty temptress had a chink in her armor.

  Jamie Connolly had a temper.

  He sat on the couch with a soda can in one hand and stared at the television screen. He wasn’t really listening to the weatherman or the warning flashing across the screen.

  He had tucked Ross in hours ago, but he couldn’t seem to fall asleep. He was trying to forget the taste of her. Tart, creamy lime against those moist, plump lips. Maggie’s pie had never tasted so good.


  He'd put himself in this predicament. He had no one to blame but himself. He found out Tuesday she was bidding on Villa Milagros. Aidan had been livid, thinking she was the one trying to seduce the house out from under him.

  She was no match for him. He could play as dirty. Or even dirtier. He wanted the house, badly. He didn’t stop to think why Jamie would want Villa Milagros. She couldn't have it. The chance of her leaving it standing was too great. It was an eternal monument to Lauren's betrayal and brutal demise. Villa Milagros was a constant reminder to Seabrook and himself that his wife had left her infant son and husband to seek fame and fortune, only to find death.

  He had two choices. He could break their contract, tear down Villa Milagros, and forget Jamie Connelly forever. Or, he could renovate the little vixen’s house, buy the Villa, and finish what they started in the foyer of her cottage on Monday afternoon. Either way, Villa Milagros would no longer stand. He was going to have his way on all accounts.

  It occurred to him he wanted Jamie, wanted her more than he'd ever wanted any woman. Maybe he should just take her to bed and conquer this long-standing hold she had over him. Maybe the mystic allure of Jamie would dissipate once the deed was done. Then she could pack her bags and go home to Palm Beach. Back to the sleazy Malcolm socialites and the rest of her shallow friends.

  No, he’d do the work or not, according to what her royal highness desired. Then, he would let her go. She would disappear back into her glitzy life in Palm Beach and forget about Seabrook. She’d probably sell the cottage he was going to painstakingly renovate to turn a profit and buy another one in some equally small and uninteresting town. He hoped she would leave Seabrook because he found her too tempting for his own good. He was a single father trying to run a business and raise a son. He simply didn’t have the time to be tempted.

  He checked on Ross and turned into bed. He stretched out on the king mattress, suddenly feeling swallowed by the vast emptiness of it. How long had it been since he had shared a bed, shared a home with a woman? Not since Lauren had left him over five years ago. He had seen a few women casually over the years, but he'd never stayed the night with them, and he certainly never brought women home. He'd never let a casual fling meet Ross.

  He rolled over to the center of the bed, trying to revel in its spaciousness. Instead, it felt empty, desolate. Hell. It was going to be a long three months if Jamie decided to honor their contract after all.


  “Daddy, Daddy, Daddy! Wake up Daddy!”

  “What?” Aidan sat up abruptly in bed, as his son tugged violently at his arm.

  “Daddy, there’s a puppy in our yard! Can we keep him? Huh? Can we?”

  The drowsy, morning haze took moment to clear. “A puppy?” He rose and pulled a tee shirt over his boxers.

  “Where is this puppy?” He followed his son who was bounding down the stairs at Olympic speed.

  Ross grabbed Aidan’s hand and dragged him to the back door. “See?”
he said excitedly, pointing out the glass door.

  The mutt was Jamie’s puppy. Coincidence seemed to be throwing them together while fate waved its magic wand and had a glorious laugh in the process.

  Ross was glued to the glass door watching the puppy.

  “The pup belongs to someone already, son.”


  “The lady down the street,” Aidan said. “The one who helped you with your kite last night.”

  “Oh.” Ross frowned with disappointment.

  “Why don’t you bring him in for some water, and we’ll find something for him to eat. You can play with him until I take you to school. Alright?”

  “Cool!” Ross exclaimed as he opened the backdoor. “What’s his name?”

  It took a moment for Aidan to recall. “Thorn.”

  “Come in, Thorn!” Ross yelled and the puppy dashed in and pounced on Ross, knocking him over. Ross shrieked with joy, hugging the puppy with unbound affection.

  Aidan watched Ross and Thorn play together and instantly regretted not getting him a dog sooner. If Jamie wouldn’t let him keep Thorn, next week he would visit Forley, who owned the local shelter. Ross would have his dog.

  Aidan dropped Ross off at school and sat in his truck watching Thorn while a corrupt thought entered his mind. Thorn sat beside him, his nose stuck out the window, and panted heavily, excited by the children who ran outside in the playground. Thorn was focused on Ross, who was running toward the schoolyard. The mutt began to whine and squirm, and finally stuck a paw out the cracked window in a feeble attempt to get out of the truck.

  “Come here, critter.” Aidan pulled the puppy down from his truck’s window. “I have plans for you.”

  As he pulled out of the school driveway, Aidan wondered how Jamie would react to him finding a home for the pup. He wasn’t foolish enough to think she would be bowled over with gratitude. She may even refuse his offer. She was an unpredictable woman. She surprised him constantly; first with her shy seductions, then with her hungry kiss, and lastly with her unleashed temper.

  He couldn’t wait to see how the mighty princess was going to react now.


  It was Friday morning and Jamie was a disaster. First, she had received word from the bank she'd lost the bid for Villa Milagros. Then, an important client was complaining her living room had been painted the wrong color. Conrad had called and left one of his disturbing, cryptic messages. And last, but most definitely not least, Thorn was missing.

  She'd let him out early in the morning. Shortly after, Aidan’s workmen arrived. One of them had carelessly left the entry open. Somewhere between Jamie's morning coffee and shower, Thorn had disappeared out the open gate. She gave the workmen a glare she hoped would chill their blood.

  She called for Thorn repeatedly, down the street and across another but to no avail. She was terrified of what could happen to him all alone. A car traveling too fast might not see the puppy and the result could be- well, she couldn’t think about it.

  She slipped into her bedroom, away from the workmen and sat down on her bed feeling utterly dejected. For the first time in a long time, she felt defeated. She had a wrecked cottage she didn’t want. She had a crazy socialite who wanted to marry her whom she despised. And the man she'd wanted for far too long was double-crossing her. Now, her dog had run away. It was the last straw.

  She fell back on the bed lifelessly and stared at the worn, plaster ceiling. She felt like screaming at someone, at the heavens, at the stupid workmen who sent her puppy to his possible death.

  The phone rang and she stared at it numb. She pulled a pillow across her face as the phone continued ringing incessantly.

  “Oh, all right” She grabbed the receiver from her bed. “Yes?”

  “Good morning!” Aidan’s voice was sickeningly joyful.

  How dare he call her and be so cheerful after what she had been through this morning.

  “What on earth do you want? Your men are here, why are they here? I told you, I’m finding another contractor so you better call your dim-witted workers off.”

  “Dim-witted? What did they do?”

  “They left the gate open and Thorn-“ her voice broke despite her best efforts.

  “Oh. Look, meet me at the cabanas-“

  What an insensitive ogre. Thorn was gone, probably lying helpless and wounded somewhere, and he wanted her to meet him at the beach? "The cabanas?"

  “I have something to say to you,” he said.

  “I’m listening.”

  “I want to speak to you in person.”

  “I really don’t have time for your games today. I have to go to Palm Beach to resolve a problem with a client and I…” I have to deal with a stalking deranged socialite, she thought.

  “I have a lot of work to catch up on. I’m not on vacation despite what you may think. First, I have to find Thorn.” She sat up on the bed and prepared to hang up the phone.

  “I have something you want,” Aidan said smoothly.

  “You have nothing I could possibly want,” she lied, hating the burning ache his voice triggered.

  “I have many things you want, Jamie.” His voice was cool and low. “But I'm certain you'll want what I have without delay. I guarantee it.”

  The curiosity he peaked in her was disturbing. “What do you have?”

  She heard the faint sound of clapping.

  “Thorn, come here boy.”

  “You have Thorn?” There was no mistaking the momentary joy in her voice. But it was short lived. “You dirty rat! You stole my dog? What a low down, despicable thing to do!”

  “Lord vixen, calm down. I didn’t steal him. I found him in my backyard this morning. I only live a block from you, and puppies will wander if you don’t watch them carefully. They’re a lot like children.”

  She snickered gracelessly. “Children? What would you know about children?”

  Aidan chuckled. “You'd be surprised.”

  “I’m sure I would. As for Thorn, your thoughtless workmen left the gate open. I want you to bring him here, immediately.”

  “I don’t take too kindly to orders. I thought you wanted to find him a home anyway. I happen to know someone who would love to-"

  “You want to keep him? Over my dead body.”

  Aidan sighed. “Very well, I’ll return him to you under one condition.”

  “No conditions.”

  “You’re in no position to bargain seeing as I am the one who has Thorn. Meet me at the beach cabanas in one hour. I’ll bring Thorn. Then perhaps we can settle this disagreement we seem to be having.”

  Jamie had no doubt Aidan would bring the puppy. She knew he'd take good care of Thorn. In all honesty, her wayward puppy seemed to love Aidan, much to her chagrin. Aidan was gentle, despite his rough, arrogant demeanor. Still, she didn’t want to be alone with him. She didn’t want him putting his hands on her and make her forget he was the enemy.

  “What do you say? I’m waving the white flag here,” Aidan said.

  “If you promise to keep your hands to yourself, I'll meet you.”

  “Scouts honor” Aidan replied.

  “Half an hour.” She hung up.

  She couldn’t help the queasy feeling in her stomach, the sudden case of nerves that overtook her normally stony calmness. It was her fault for wanting to seduce the man in the first place. She'd got herself into this colossal mess. She was going to get herself out.

  She was going to the beach to get Thorn, tell the swaggering Aidan Brice to stuff it and then, walk away from him.

  It would be simple. Right?


  The day was windy and overcast as Aidan walked Thorn to the beach. He'd made a makeshift leash from some rope left in his truck, and Thorn romped alongside him contentedly, sniffing the grass and barking at the occasional cat that crossed their path. It was a shame he couldn’t keep him. He was a cute little critter despite the fact he had chewed up Aidan’s newspaper, piddled on the new living room carpet
and turned over the kitchen garbage can all within one morning. Jamie certainly had her hands full with Thorn.

  They crossed Seabrook’s main highway to the beach. The dark blue surf was rough and wild. The wind had picked up, causing a froth of whitecaps to form on the tips of the waves. For an instant, the evening news Aidan had dozed through last night came to mind as he glanced at the palm trees twisting in the high breeze.

  A hurricane was brewing in the Caribbean. He couldn’t remember where it was estimated to make landfall. He was too distracted with Jamie. He was forgetting to take care of the practical things in life. Those same practical things had sustained his sanity these last five years. He’d be sure to watch the weather report after he dealt with the brunette hellion.

  Speaking of the devil, he looked up to see her sitting with deceptive calm on a lounge chair in front of the cabanas. Her hair was loose and fluttering wildly in the breeze while her face had the serenity of a Madonna, composed and calm.

  Another illusion. She looked too docile sitting in her flowery sundress and dark sunglasses, a friendly hand reaching out and a warm smile on her face. Belatedly he realized the outstretched hand, and the smile was for Thorn not for him.

  The pup tugged vigorously on the rope as soon as he saw Jamie. Aidan released him. The mutt bounded toward Jamie who gathered the happy animal in her arms as he leapt into her lap.

  “My poor baby” she cooed, hugging the puppy against her breasts.

  Aidan felt a twinge of envy.

  He took his time walking toward her. ”You see? I'm a man of my word.”

  “So you are. Congratulations. These days it seems we have to reward what should be common courtesy.”

  “I’m not asking for a reward,” Aidan said, relaxing in a chair next to her. “Unless you’re offering.”

  “What would you like for a reward?” She was relaxed now that she had Thorn back safely.

  Aidan pet Thorn’s head affectionately and the puppy squirmed enthusiastically. Jamie let him down and stood up, absently brushing his fur from her dress. The wind whipped around them, pressing Jamie’s dress snuggly around her slender figure.

  He could think of many ways she could reward him. He wanted to feel her underneath him, naked, warm, and willing. He wanted to feel her body wrapped around his, feel her bare breasts against his chest and those soft lips kissing-