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No Regrets Page 18

  “I’m looking for something a little more chic than I normally wear,” she told Cara Willard who owned the Chic Boutique. “But still simple and elegant.”

  Cara clasped her hands together with excitement. “It’s about time. You’re such a lovely woman but always so conservative. I have the perfect dress for you, darling.” Cara nodded to one of her salesgirls who moved at her command. “It came in last week.” She clasped her hands together with excitement. “Elegant, sexy and very glamorous.”

  The salesgirl brought out a dress of deep sapphire blue silk. “The color will be perfect for you. Try it, you will see.”

  Cara was right. The dress was beautiful, the silk was soft and flowing to her ankles, cleaving to Jamie’s figure in the right places but it moved gracefully, hugging her body as she walked without clinging too tightly. The strapless dress came with a wrap in matching fabric that was embroidered with silver threading. Furthermore, it fit her perfectly, needing no alternations. A definite must considering the Gala was tonight.

  “Silver sandals in a mid heel and you will be smashing,” Cara, said with delight.

  Jamie stared at her reflection in the mirror. Was that really Jamie Connolly? She looked different somehow, not anything like the conservative woman she had been the last several years. She twirled around in the dress, loving the luxurious feel of the silk as it swished around her ankles. She felt like another person in the dress, wild, wanton and free.

  Cara laughed as she brought a pair of glittering sandals over to Jamie. “It suits you. Conrad will be pleased when he sees you.”

  Jamie was quiet a moment. It was a small town indeed, but apparently, word of the Palm Beach Herald’s retraction was not getting around. Maybe it never ran. Jamie had never checked to make sure.

  “The truth is, Conrad and I broke up a while ago,” she told Cara.

  Cara’s widened in surprise. She shook her head sadly, “You poor dear,” Cara clucked sympathetically.

  “Not at all. Actually, the Post had been misinformed. I was never engaged to Conrad. They were supposed to print a retraction of the announcement. At any rate, I have another date for the Gala.”

  Cara perked up. “I must say this is all news to me. I can’t wait to meet your new man. Who is he?”

  Jamie smiled to herself. What Cara really meant was who is he in our small society of rich, powerful families?

  “I’ll introduce you at the Gala.” Before Cara could ask any more questions Jamie was off to the dressing room. She skillfully changed the subject when she came out, asking Cara about her most current husband while waiting for her dress to be packaged. As Jamie was walking out the door, she ran into Reny, her flaming red hair done up in an extravagant coif, no doubt in preparation of tonight’s Gala.

  “Jamie my dear, I’m so surprised to see you!” Reny exclaimed as she planted an air kiss next to Jamie’s check.

  “Reny, you look lovely as always.”

  “Thank you, dear.”

  “I’ve got to run but I’ll see you tonight at the Gala,” Jamie said.

  “You’re going?” Reny stammered. “Of course you are! You’re on the Board aren’t you?”

  Reny was behaving oddly, but Jamie shrugged it off as she breezed through the door with a wave.

  “Ta, ta” Reny said called out.

  Reny and Cara were great gossipers and it wouldn’t be long before anyone who was anyone in their elite little crowd knew that Jamie had dumped Conrad Malcolm for a new man. The thought made Jamie smile all the way home to Seabrook.

  When Jamie arrived back to Seabrook, she booked a manicure and pedicure at the small salon that Kerrie used. She didn’t want to continue explaining about her and Conrad’s non-engagement. By three o’clock she was ready to pick up Ross from Tommy's and head home, or rather the place she'd come to think of as home.

  “Daddy says you and him have a date tonight” Ross said as he clambered into her sports car.

  “That’s right. We’re going to a party in Palm Beach,” she said, before planting a kiss on his dirt-smeared cheek.

  “Can I go?”

  Jamie’s heart sank. She didn’t want Ross to feel excluded and hated to have to tell him he couldn’t come. “Sorry Ross, this one is for adults, but remember, there's the Oktoberfest fish fry on the beach coming up. We can all go together. How’s that?”

  “Is that a date?” he asked.

  “Yes, it’s a date,” she said.


  “Scouts honor” Jamie said solemnly.

  “High five!” Ross shouted and Jamie felt inexplicably happy as she raised her hand to meet his high five.

  Ross chatted about his slumber party as Jamie drove. He told her how Jimmy McDuffy wet the bed and how Austin Smitts had a pet frog named Ribbit. Jamie thought a dog was a much better pet than a frog and told him so.

  “Yeah, you’re right” he said confidently. “Thorn’s a much better pet than Ribbit.”

  When they arrived back at Aidan’s house, Ross washed his hands and face, ate cookies Jamie had baked and went outside to play with Thorn. It had become their daily ritual, and Jamie felt a sudden sadness wash over her in the realization it would be the last time. Sunday she would be returning to Palm Beach to oversee a new job. Then she would travel to Europe after the Oktoberfest fish fry and Halloween. She had already booked her ticket to Italy where she would be shopping for a client. Life as she had come to know it in Seabrook would end. Aidan told her that her house would be ready by the mid December but that seemed a lifetime away.

  She had spent years building up her business, dealing with difficult clients, day after day and year after year until she was making more money a year than she’d ever imagined. Now, what she had wanted most, Villa Milagros, was going to be snatched away in a nano second by the only man who'd ever managed to get under her thick skin.

  She was at her wits end. Leaving the country was definitely a good idea. It would give her a chance to think clearly, objectively. Rationally. So, why was she so sad at the prospect of leaving?

  There was no time for such unpleasant thoughts. She went upstairs to prepare an overnight bag for Ross who would be staying at Jo’s for the night. When Aidan returned home from work she was in her robe on the couch sipping tea, her hair still damp from the shower.

  “Hey Gorgeous!” he called to her as he stepped in the living room with his hand behind his back.

  She smiled as he brought out a full bouquet of exotic flowers.

  She accepted the flowers graciously. “Thank you. They’re beautiful!” she said.

  “They asked me down at the flower shop who was ill. I guess it’s been a while,” he grinned. “Actually, it’s been never.”

  “I feel even more honored now,” Jamie said.

  He bent down and kissed her lightly on the lips as Ross as Thorn came barreling into the room.

  “Uh-oh!” Ross said, covering his eyes.

  “Hey buddy,” Aidan said, grabbing Ross and lifting him up over his shoulders. “You ready to go?’

  “Yeah! Jamie packed my things and promised to come to Halloween and the fish fry too! We have a date,” he boasted.

  “I’m glad to hear that,” Aidan said, winking at Jamie. “Can I come to?” he asked as he set Ross down on the floor.

  Ross stood dramatically with his hands on his hips, “Of course, Daddy.”

  “Just checking,” Aidan said with a chuckle.

  Jamie finished getting ready while Aidan dropped Ross off at Jo’s. She was coming down the stairs in her dress, her loose curls and her make-up done to natural perfection when the doorbell rang. She hesitated answering it, after all, it wasn’t her home. Answering the door in her present attire would surely cause tongues to wag in this small town. However, as the doorbell continued to ring she decided she had no choice.

  She opened the door to find Aidan Brice standing on the other side, dressed to the nines in a black tuxedo. He held a single white orchid in his hand. He nearly took her
breath away.

  His grin was devilish. “You look ravishing. Good enough to eat,” he said.

  “So do you,” she whispered.

  He held out the single blossom to her. “This one tried to get away. But I like things in their rightful place.”

  She took the orchid from him and brought it up to her face, breathing in it’s heady scent. He escorted her out the door where a limousine was waiting for them.

  She laughed, looking up at him puzzled. “You’re not turning into a Palm Beach man, are you?”

  “I thought I’d take you to the Gala in style. Besides, those elite socialites would be horrified if I pulled up in my pick-up truck.”

  She laughed at the image he'd conjured up. All of Palm Beach’s elite dressed in their finest black tie at the elegant Four Seasons Hotel and Jamie stepping down in her elegant Versace dress from a mud-smeared truck. She almost wished Aidan had driven his truck just to see the looks on their faces.

  The chauffeur opened the door to the limo and Aidan helped Jamie into the luxurious back seat with all the poise and flourish of a Prince. Once they reached the expressway, Aidan brought out a bottle of Dom Perignon champagne.

  “Only the best for you,” he said as he poured the golden liquid into two beautiful crystal glasses.

  “Shall we toast?” Jamie played his game of socialite pretenders with glee.

  “Of course,” he turned to her and his face was close to hers. “To the woman who has made me the luckiest man in the world. To you, Jamie Connolly.”

  “And to you” she murmured.

  As Jamie sipped the crisp champagne she felt as though she were Cinderella, living a fantasy night of romance with a truly regal Prince. Aidan raised his champagne glass to his lips. He was incredibly handsome in his black tuxedo with his golden hair, bronze tan, and stormy grey eyes. She wondered if dreams really do come true and if happily ever after really did exist. Tonight anything felt possible.

  Her giddiness lasted the two hours it took the chauffeur to drive them to the Palm Beach Four Seasons Hotel. However, when the limo pulled up to the glorious hotel, Jamie began to feel her stomach turning in knots.


  “A little,” she admitted. She dreaded the moment she came face to face with Conrad. Certainly, by now the crazed frat boy, as Karrie called him, knew she hadn’t used discretion about refusing his proposal. Until this second, she hadn't thought through the consequences. She worried how he would handle the scandal of being dumped so publicly in front of his cherished circle of friends.

  Aidan helped her out of the limo and they walked toward the entrance. She hooked her arm through Aidan’s and for a split second caught a glimpse of the two of them in the reflection of the lobby’s glass doors. She had to admit, the two of them made a gorgeous pair. They looked like a celebrity couple gliding across the red carpet on Academy Award night.

  Aidan squeezed her hand in his, “Don’t worry about Conrad,” he said, reading her mind. “Remember I'm a great warrior, sworn to defend your honor at all costs.”

  She smiled. “It’s not my honor I’m worried about.”

  “I think I figured that out last night,” he whispered.

  A blush warmed her face. “I don’t think that’s fair.”

  “Come here,” he said, stopping her as they reached the entrance to the Ballroom where the Gala was being held. He pulled her to him and kissed her softly on the mouth, lingering enough to mingle their tongues before pulling back.

  She looked up into his beautiful, grey eyes. Her nervousness had melted and in its place, a fiery desire was beginning to build between her legs.

  “I was right” Aidan said.

  She was still mesmerized by his kiss. “Mm-mmm, about what?” she asked dreamily.

  “You are good enough to eat.”

  He kissed her again, tenderly and all too briefly. As they drew apart, Conrad slithered toward them with Reny on his arm. Conrad stared as he drew near them with Reny, who looked stunning in a tight fitting gown of emerald green. The red headed beauty was completely focused on Aidan. Jamie felt a seething irritation begin to burn within her.

  “Reny dear, you look incredibly…” she stumbled for words as Reny drew near. A closer inspection of her friend revealed a neckline that dipped and gathered enough to push out her ample cleavage into full view. Reny’s breasts were ready to burst out of the dress any second and the clingy fit left little to the imagination elsewhere.

  “You look incredible,” Jamie finally said putting forth her check for the required air kiss.

  Reny’s smile was animated. “Thank you, darling,” she said eyeing Aidan with a little too much interest. “Who is your mystery man?”

  Jamie looked over at Aidan to see the beginnings of dogfight about to take place between he and Conrad. Reny seemed to have completely forgotten about Conrad for the moment. All her focus directed on Aidan. Jamie tightened her grip around Aidan’s arm. “This is Aidan Brice,” she said.

  Reny gave her a knowing look. She put her hand out with ridiculous coyness. Aidan continued his princely routine for Reny and kissed it with more enthusiasm than Jamie preferred.

  Jamie was perfectly poised when she addressed the man on Reny's arm. “Conrad, I know that you and Aidan are already acquainted so I won’t bother with introductions.”

  “Long ago,” Conrad agreed, his voice rich with contempt.

  The two men did not shake hands but Reny, who could barely keep her eyes off Aidan, didn’t seem to notice. Aidan looked at Conrad with feigned composure, but Jamie could feel the violent tension in his body. Perhaps it had been a bad idea to bring them together. She tugged at Aidan’s arm, “There are so many people I must introduce you to, Aidan. We better join the party.”

  “Of course, my love” he said.

  Even as they walked away, Jamie could feel Conrad’s glare burning into her back. There had to be more to Aidan and Conrad’s past than he'd told her. Much, much more.

  They stepped into the ballroom, where the Gala was in full swing. Jamie was swept away in a rush of greetings and questions. She had no time to consider the matter of Conrad and Aidan’s history any further.

  The evening flew by with lively music, great, food and the required speeches of thanks to the benefactors and board members of the Cancer Society. Aidan danced the night away to salsa and disco with her, joked easily with spoiled Heirs, and graciously accepted the stares and blatant passes of flirtatious women with polite disinterest. She was amazed at the finesse and charm of this small town boy. He obviously had many hidden talents.

  Hours later Jamie found herself alone in the ladies lounge. She was grateful for a moment of solace from the nosy crowd, but her gratitude was short lived. Reny strolled in, emitting a small gasp as she saw Jamie relaxing on the sofa.

  The required smile of greeting plastered across Jamie’s face, and she murmured a greeting to Reny who was looking uncharacteristically apologetic.

  “I know what you must be thinking, my dear” Reny said rather sheepishly. “But it isn’t the way it looks. Conrad and I are only friends. He gave me the saddest story of how you two broke up, and I didn’t have the heart to refuse his invitation,” she said, sinking into the chair opposite Jamie.

  A huge gilded mirror covered the wall next to them and she stole a glance at Reny as Jamie applied her pale lipstick, noticing Reny’s lipstick was as bright and unnatural as her hair color.

  “Reny, don't worry. I was never in love with Conrad and our relationship was quite platonic.”

  Reny’s eyes widened at this unexpected revelation.

  Jamie continued, “I happen to think that you would make a wonderful couple” she said, putting her lipstick away. She turned to Reny who was staring at Jamie with curious interest.

  “Do you really think so?” Reny asked earnestly.

  “Yes, definitely. He is looking for a wife at the moment to help speed his political career, and he is rich,” she paused taking in Reny’s gleam of
satisfaction at the fact. “And since you are looking for a wealthy husband and he a politically correct wife…” Jamie paused. Here she was on unstable ground because Reny was anything but politically correct. “I think you are a good match.”

  “He is charming and knows all the right people…” Reny began.

  “But Reny, you will need to tone down your style a little. The public can be so critical, especially of politician’s wives.”

  “I hadn’t thought of that,” Reny conceded.

  Indeed, she hadn’t. Reny thought only of a life of luxury and leisure and not one of duty or discretion. Jamie wondered briefly what would become of such a match and felt a little guilty for suggesting it. It would no doubt lead to disaster.

  “I’ll have to think it over,” Reny stated. “At the moment Conrad and I are just friends, of course.”

  Jamie smiled at Reny. “Of course,” she said. She rose to return to the party but Reny detained her. Jamie dreaded the questions that were coming.

  “Dear, you look absolutely gorgeous tonight. Your dress is smashing, although a bit out of character for you, I must admit. You do have a certain glow to your face. Tell me, are you in love with that hunk of a man who has been hanging on your arm all night?”

  “Reny!” Jamie laughed. “You're a romantic after all.”

  “Anyone can see the man’s in love with you. He’s barely left your side all night!” Reny said, sounding disappointed.

  Jamie smiled. “Is that so? I hadn’t noticed. I better get back to him then. Every bored housewife will want a taste of him. He may get tired fending them off,” she said lightly.

  They walked back to the ballroom together. “Not just bored housewives but any female who comes within sight of him will want a taste of him,” Reny observed.

  Aidan stood across the room, talking animatedly to a group of women. She could not help but agree with Reny. He took her breath away. It was more than his rugged looks and charm; his gentle yet chivalrous manner made her feel like an infatuated schoolgirl every time their eyes met.

  She made her way to him, poised and slow. She stopped along the way to greet various people she knew, subjecting herself to lots of air kisses, limp handshakes and probing questions about her new man. She smiled and escaped them with well-practiced grace only to meet with another equally curious question from the next person.