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No Regrets Page 19

  She stopped as Georgette Valdemar drilled her about the fascinating man who had seemingly replaced Conrad so quickly. No doubt, Georgette had grown dangerously bored with her current play toy.

  Across the crowd, she felt Aidan watching her. There was a knowing gleam in his eye. He wore devilish grin. She knew what heated meaning it held.

  A sudden panic took hold of her as she drew closer to him through the swarming crowd. He was speaking with Francoise Ansel, the twenty-something beauty, who was the sole heir to a fortune her father had made in robotics. She watched as Francoise giggled and leaned close to Aidan’s face to whisper something. How amusing. Jamie felt her blood pressure rising.

  She plastered a practiced smile on her lips as she drew near them. Somehow she overcame the urge to grab Aidan and kiss him long and hard on the mouth in front of Francoise and the whole crowd, branding him with her mark of pale lipstick like some sort of mating ritual meant to mark her mate. The man definitely brought out the dormant but apparently primitive side of her passions.

  The band switched to ballroom music and a waltz began to play as she pressed through the crowd, oblivious now to the calls and greetings people spoke to her as she passed. Francoise’s auburn hair glittered and her flawlessly smooth skin glowed in the soft light as she giggled at something Aidan said.

  Jamie moved quicker, eager to return to Aidan’s side. He turned toward her and his gaze held something in it that made her relaxed and restless all in one. She was a few feet away from him, but she felt a sense of urgency, a necessity to be near him. She took another step toward him. He smiled at her and started to speak.

  “May I say you look lovely tonight?” a voice both familiar and repugnant vibrated through the music and noisy crowd.

  Conrad hooked his hand in hers with enough pressure to keep her from pulling away without drawing attention to them. “Dance with me,” he said. “For old time’s sake.”

  She gave him a dark look. “No.”

  “But I insist,” he said in a way that was neither jovial nor inviting. It was a command.

  He all but dragged her to the dance floor. She lost sight of Aidan.

  “No doubt your date for the night is not schooled in ballroom dancing? Maybe he can square dance, eh?” His laugh was vicious.

  “What do you have against Aidan Brice?” she asked coolly and looked away from Conrad as they danced. “You aren’t jealous of him, are you?”

  “Jealous? No my dear, I am simply concerned for your well being. He believes he has a score to settle with me. I am afraid he is using you to settle that score.”

  “I know about his brother’s death and you representing the opposite side. It would be natural for him to dislike you,” Jamie said smugly.

  Conrad’s laugh was rich with triumph. “It is much more than that, my dear Jamie. It’s about his wife.”

  Jamie didn’t like the feeling of dread tearing at her insides. “His wife?”

  Conrad was like a cat who caught a mouse but wanted to play with it before going in for the kill. “You don’t know about his wife?” he asked. There was no missing the satisfaction in Conrad’s tone. He led her around the dance floor skillfully, twirling her around in a dizzying turn.

  A sense of foreboding filled Jamie. She tried to break from him, but he was too strong. She continued to dance with him, imprisoned by his grip and a sense of decorum.

  “Ah, you don’t know about her,” he said, his voice rich with amusement.

  “Of course I do. I know she died rather suspiciously, leaving him alone to raise their baby boy. It’s a terrible tragedy in my opinion.”

  “A tragedy, yes. For me. The truth is Lauren loved me, not Aidan. I loved her too. Not the wisest act, I know, but we all have our weaknesses. The first time I laid eyes on Lauren it was love at first sight. She was an incredible beauty, you know.”

  Jamie thought her legs would give out from under her. She couldn’t believe it. She didn’t want to believe it. Conrad and Aidan’s wife? Having an affair? It was too terrible to even contemplate. She looked at Conrad’s complacent expression and recovered herself quickly.

  “I thought you didn’t believe in love?” she asked.

  “My heart was broken the day Lauren died. I knew I would never love again. I decided then to devote myself to a life of servitude to our country.”

  “Save your speeches for the masses. I’m not buying it,” Jamie snapped.

  “It's the truth. I often suspect that Aidan had something to do with her death, which you admit was suspicious. He drove her away. Why else would she leave her baby? She feared for her life. I cannot abide the man nor can I let you be swayed by his good looks and country charm. He's a very dangerous man.”

  “He thinks the same of you and so do I,” she retorted. She pulled free of him and stormed off the dance floor. She was visibly shaken. By sheer will she pulled herself together as she made her way through the crowd, searching frantically for Aidan. Thankfully, Conrad did not follow.

  “Jamie!” A large, calloused hand wrapped around hers and Aidan Brice, looking grim but concerned, pulled her to him.

  He pulled her away from the curious crowd with finesse. “You’re shaking what’s wrong?”

  “Nothing, I-“

  “I saw you dancing with Conrad.” It was an accusation.

  “I had no choice. He had a grip on me that I couldn’t break without a struggle. I didn’t want to cause a scene,” she said, knowing full well that she had anyway.

  “I see. No doubt he was telling you stories about me.” He looked around the ballroom, searching and there was no missing the tension in his face. “Let me find the bastard and settle this once and for all” he growled. “I’ve let him get away with too many lies for far too long.”

  He stepped away from her but she grabbed his arm. “I don’t think this is the place to discuss it,” she said. “Please, let’s go. I’m tired.”

  He turned his attention toward her and put his hand on her neck, caressing her bare skin. He brought her chin up and looked her squarely in the eyes. “Jamie, I care about you. I haven’t told you everything about my past because some of it is very difficult to talk about. A lot of things that happened, I’ve never told anyone. Not even Travis. I want you to trust me. I would never do anything to hurt you.”

  “You already have. With all your secrets, I can’t fathom what I’ll find out next.”

  “I’ll tell you everything there is to know about my past and then you can decide whether to condemn me or not. No more secrets. I promise.”

  She looked up into those grey eyes that she had come to know so well. “Tell me one thing. Did Conrad have an affair with your ex wife?”

  Aidan looked away. He dragged his hand through his hair, effectively ruining his well-groomed appearance. There was no mistaking the pain in his expression. His voice was barely a whisper. “Yes.”

  It was the last straw. Jamie’s dream had crumbled in one unwanted dance.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Aidan knew his time was running out.

  Across from him in the limo sat Jamie, her long, slender legs stretched out in front her like a goddess. She stared straight ahead, unmoving, her lips pursed together in silence. Those same lips he had kissed so thoroughly last evening now refused to open for words or for warmth. She was thinking of escape, he knew. Angry at his secrets and lies of omission. Trust betrayed. He had no one to blame but himself.

  He was miserable.

  They had stayed at the famous Breakers Hotel last night after leaving the Gala. He'd booked a suite, a lavish surprise for Jamie. He'd wanted the night to be perfect. He had tried. He had kept his cool with Conrad, saving his wrath for later. He'd mingled discreetly, danced enthusiastically, and looked forward to the end of a perfect night. A night of making love to the most infuriatingly perfect woman he'd ever known.

  Instead, he spent the night on the sofa in the suite’s sitting room. That was special all right. Real perfection.

watched as she tucked her dark strands behind her ears, watched her slender hands as she settled them with poise in her lap. She wouldn’t look at him now. He wished she would. He wished she would yell, call him colorful names, or even smack him with those delicate hands, but she was composed and silent. He couldn’t stand it. He knew what he must do now before it was too late. Before she walked out of his life forever.

  “Jamie…” His voice sounded hoarse and raw. He didn’t sound like himself at all.

  “Mm-mm?” she said, not looking at him.

  “I'm sorry I didn’t tell you. What more can I say?”

  “I understand,” she said staring with great interest out the window opposite him. ”I told you last night, forget about it. About everything,” she said softly.

  He had enough. “Either hit me or forgive me but for God’s sake look at me!” he grumbled. She continued to stare out the window.

  He slid across the limo’s expansive seat and grabbed her, forcing her to face him. Tears were streaming down her face.

  “How could you keep that from me? I felt like such a fool when Conrad told me. You are using me to get back at him, aren’t you? How could you do that to someone? How could you toy with someone’s feelings that way?” she cried.

  He pulled her to him, and drew her into his arms and she sobbed against him, her body shaking with her tears. He hugged her, kissing the top of her hair as he soothed her.

  “I never had any idea of the kind. I don’t blame you for being angry. Believe me, Jamie. I had no plans about you at all. I didn't know that after fifteen years I would still feel the same.”

  “What do you mean?” she asked, looking up at him with tear-swollen eyes.

  He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her. The passion in her kiss told him all he needed to know. He couldn’t wait to get home.

  Making up really was the best part of a relationship, Jamie thought as she stretched lazily in Aidan’s bed. She'd never understood that old saying before but now she understood perfectly.

  They were wrapped up in each other bodies, intertwined like some image out of a Kama Sutra book.

  “We better get dressed. Jo’s due to bring Ross home soon,” he said.

  “I really missed him last night,” she mused. It took her a moment to realize she'd voiced her thoughts out loud.

  Aidan smiled widely. “He likes you too,” he said and kissed the tip of her nose. He was ready again and he brushed across her naked body and kissed her deeply. “Maybe we have time for one more round,” he said playfully.

  A banging sound at the front door startled them from their play. They looked at each other with surprise. Aidan gave Jamie a quick kiss on the mouth and got up, quickly pulling his boxers and jeans on. She followed him down the stairs in a hastily donned robe and grabbed his hand as he reached for the doorknob. He glanced at her briefly. She could see the worry in his expression.

  He opened the door to find Jo, crying and babbling incoherently. Immediately, Jamie led her inside while Aidan let in the police officer who accompanied her.

  “What’s going on Larry?” he asked the officer. “Where’s Ross?”

  The officer looked over at Jo and took a deep breath.

  “Will someone tell me what the hell is going on?” Aidan bellowed.

  Jo collapsed in a chair in the foyer. Aidan knelt in front of her. Jamie put her hand on Aidan’s shoulder, bracing for bad news.

  “Where is Ross?” he asked, his voice barely a whisper.

  Jo’s voice kept breaking into a sob every time she tried to speak. Aidan waited, silent, tense. She finally composed herself and looked up at Aidan.

  “Ross is gone!” Jo said.

  Familiar feelings of horror flooded Aidan. Sirens, ambulances, police, and funerals. It all came back to him in a flash. This could not be happening again. Not Ross, not his son. He wouldn’t accept it. He looked at Larry and it began to register. Larry’s knock on the door had brought news of Danni’s death… of Lauren’s death so many years ago. Now he was here saying…. He couldn’t think.

  “He’s missing,” Larry said. He could be out playing somewhere and lost track of time-“

  “He’s six years old!” Jamie screamed. “Have you started the Amber Alert?”

  Larry nodded, sympathetically.

  Jo was sobbing uncontrollably now.

  Jamie’s face was white as a sheet. “Oh God,” she whispered. “Oh God!”

  She looked over at Aidan, but he was speechless. He couldn’t lose Ross. Not his son. Not his Ross. His eyes met Jamie’s for a brief moment. She turned to him and cradled his face in her hands.

  “We will find him,” she said, but her voice was shaking.

  Aidan shook his head, not really registering what she was saying. He had to get Ross back, no matter what. He had to find Ross, right now. All he wanted was his son in her arms, safe from harm. He felt like he was falling into a dark tunnel.

  “Aidan!” The voice was familiar and yet far away, as if he had covered his ears. It was Jamie.

  He looked at her.

  “I think, I don’t know, I think maybe I know who did this…”

  “Who?” Larry asked.

  Aidan jerked away from Jamie. He was ready to kill whoever had done this, whoever had taken his son. He would hunt them down like an animal if he had to and… Jo’s sobbing grew louder while soft wind chimes sang from the porch. Ross had loved those wind chimes since he was a baby.

  “Aidan!” Jamie’s voice ripped through the haze. She grabbed him and turned him toward her. “Conrad Malcolm” was all she said.

  A sense of doom pervaded him but in seconds was gone. In its place was a rage he hadn't known existed inside of him. He took a deep breath and snapped out of the comatose state. Conrad had a history of escaping on boats. It was how he’d left Lauren’s lifeless body, taking the coward’s way out, never feeling guilt or remorse. Never paying for his crimes.

  Not this time. Not ever again.

  “Larry, call Travis at the Coast Guard. Tell him to meet me at Sabrina Beach right away. At the pier.” He ran up the stairs for a shirt and shoes and Jamie followed him.

  “Wherever you’re going, I’m going with you,” she said.

  “No. You need to stay with Jo. She’s a mess.”

  Jamie thought about it. She wanted to be there for Ross. “I care about Ross,” she said, searching for some clothes of her own to put on. She slipped the robe off and slipped on a tee shirt and underwear. “I have to be there-“ her voice broke off and tears began to stream down her face.

  Aidan went to her and held her. “I’m going to find him and bring him home alive and well. There isn’t any other possibility.”

  He watched as Jamie took a deep breath and pulled herself together. “I’m sorry” she said, “You need my support now, not another basket case.”

  He hugged her briefly and rose. “Let me know if Conrad tries to contact you. And don’t trust a word he says.”

  She nodded. “I love Ross,” she said, her voice breaking slightly. ”I couldn’t love him any more if he was my own son.”

  He turned in the doorway. His face was edged with despair and sorrow but his eyes were kind as they met hers. “I know that. That’s one of the things I love about you.”

  Then he was gone and Jamie’s body shook as she gave into a grief that shook her to the core, a grief she hadn’t felt since her mother had died so many years ago.

  She took hold of herself and slipped on a pair of jeans. She washed her face and returned downstairs to Jo and the police officer. Jo had regained some composure. The police officer stood next her, waiting. He looked up as Jamie approached them.

  “I’m sorry, Miss…?”

  Jamie extended her hand. “Jamie Connolly” she said as she shook hands with the officer.

  “Larry Marten” he said. “Connolly… I knew a Rose Connolly many years ago.”

  “Yes, my mother. I grew up here in Seabrook.”

  He nodded. “I’m so
rry about Ross. That child has suffered enough.”

  She felt her emotions welling up and wanted to cry but she remained composed, her strength returning. She turned to Jo, “Why don’t you go upstairs and lay down? Aidan will find him. I am certain of it.”

  Jo sniffed as she stood up and Jamie helped her to the staircase. “Wait here a minute,” she whispered to Larry as she mounted the stairs with the distraught woman. She put Jo in the guest room and soothed her with kind words.

  “You don’t know that Malcolm the way we do here. He wouldn’t think twice about harming a child. He killed Lauren. I’m certain of it,” Jo said her voice crumbling.

  Jamie had known Conrad to be selfish and controlling but a murderer? He couldn't be something so evil.

  “This is my fault. I should have reported him ages ago. I wouldn’t marry him and he started stalking me, threatening me, crazy stuff. He’s out to hurt me, to get back at me for humiliating him, but I don’t think he would harm a child,” Jamie assured Jo, although she wasn’t sure she believed it herself. “Maybe Ross is playing at a friend’s house,” she said.

  Jo sat up in bed and grabbed Jamie’s arm as she turned to go. “You are so much like Rose,” she said with sadness, “So naïve about people. She always thought the best of everyone. It was the reason she ended up here, alone and unwed with you. Your father filled her with false hope and abandoned her when she needed him the most. Don’t fall into the same trap,” she warned. “Do not believe there is an ounce of decency in that man.”

  Jamie was surprised by this news but kept herself together.

  “Conrad Malcolm is as immoral as they come. Don’t you dare talk to him, don’t listen to anything he says. He’s dangerous in the worst sort of way.”

  Jamie jerked free from her grip. “I will do whatever it takes to get Ross back safely,” she said vehemently.

  “Child, you can’t fight evil such as that. Leave it to the police and to Aidan. They will take care of him.”